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What is Tibetan Dream Yoga?

Meditation is not for everyone (or so they say) but if you are not one to practice it or you just simply don't have time but know of its benefits, then this is a method that may be worth looking…

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What Are The Spiritual Benefits of Lucid Dreaming? 


There is a spiritual link between lucid dreaming and growing within our spirituality because, in reality, most people live their lives asleep. When we teach ourselves to awaken in our dreams we are also teaching ourselves to be more awake…

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How Do We Experience the Soul?



We can connect with our soul in many ways. We feel its presence every day even if we do not know that we are feeling it. It is always there because it is what we really are. Our soul has…

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How Important is the Silent Mind?


The Silent Mind may not be quite what it sounds like. Technically, we cannot completely silent the mind and the more we force ourselves to do so the more frustrated we can get. In Buddhism, The Silent Mind means that…

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What Are Soul Groups and Why Do We Need Them?


If you have ever come across someone and felt a deep sense of already knowing them then chances are you have experienced meeting someone that you once knew in a past life or someone from your soul group. As groups…

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What Are Soulmates? The Search For Your Twin Soul


There is a saying: “no man is an island.” Since the dawn of our species, this has proven to be true. Whether it is for practical or procreative reasons, people have always sought companionship. However, to many, perhaps all, there…

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