How To Keep The Activated Chakras In Alignment

It is so important to keep our energies aligned because this keeps our emotions somewhat stable. When a chakra is imbalanced we can feel it through these emotions and also through physical problems. This is the way our bodies tell us something needs our attention. 
Although frequent meditation is the first technique to refer back to when it comes to keeping your chakras aligned, there are many techniques linked to each chakra that help to enhance its energy such as foods, oils or even wearing the color of the chakra. 
Root Chakra: Survival and basic instincts (Red) 
What it feels like 
If this chakra is out of balance we can experience lower back pain, sciatica, depression, poor circulation, fatigue, and anemia. 



What can help? 
It is important to get regular exercise and plenty of sleep to keep the root chakra aligned. Poetry is also known to help and also gardening. 
Beets and pomegranates 
Ylang Ylang and Sandalwood 


Sacral Chakra: Birth, sexuality, and creativity (Orange) 
What it feels like 
This chakra being unbalanced can show itself through depression, drug abuse, allergies, urinary problems and a lack of feeling. 
What can help? 
Water can help to keep this chakra balanced so, therefore, swimming is best, but in a natural setting such as the ocean or rivers. Being out in the rain has the same effect. 
Carrots and Oranges 
Melissa or Orange essential oils 

Solar Plexus Chakra: Self-confidence and digestion (Yellow) 
What it feels like 
Indigestion, gallstones, diabetes, hypoglycemia and liver problems can all be related back to this chakra. 
What can help? 
Using your mind can help with this chakra. Reading books, taking classes and even mind puzzles can help. Getting outside in the sunshine will also help to see an improvement. 
Squash and Chamomile 
Rosemary and Lemon oils 

The Ayurveda Experience

Heart Chakra: Love, compassion, and relationships (Green) 
What it feels like 
Heart problems and breathing disorders can indicate an imbalance. Also, any chest pains, high blood pressure, and problems with the immune system. 
What can help? 
Getting out in nature! Spend time outside amongst the grass and trees and see if it helps. Also, see your family and friends more to stay in that alignment. 
Beets and Ginger tea 
Sandalwood and Frankincense 

Throat Chakra: Communication and voice (Sky Blue) 
What it feels like 
Anything throat related problems such as fevers, flu or sore throats. This can expand down to the shoulders and neck and also lead to anxiety and stuttering. 
What can help? 
Using your voice more will always help here. Try singing or reading out loud, talk to your friends more and have some meaningful conversations. 
Purple potatoes 
Chamomile and Geranium oils 

Third Eye Chakra: Intuition and the divine self (Indigo) 
What it feels like 
This can lead to sleep disorders, bad concentration, poor memory and any learning disabilities.   
What can help? 
Try writing a journal to help connect to yourself. Also, anything to do with our universe such as stargazing and walking out at night under the moonlight. 
Figs and Blackcurrants 
Patchouli and Frankincense oils 

Crown Chakra: Oneness with the Universe (Violet) 
What it feels like 
This imbalance can lead to headaches, worry, skin rashes, and mental illness. 
What can help? 
Start getting creative and working with the universe. Make a vision board, write your dreams down and meditate. 
Plums and Elderberry 
Lavender and Jasmine oils 

If we feel an imbalance, we do not feel complete harmony with ourselves which can feel agonizing for those who know what it feels like to be frequently balanced. Through meditation, we can align our chakras and by using the techniques above we can work on keeping them that way. We can also ask our spirit guides to heal us during our meditation and work within our divine selves to search for healing. It is so important that we listen to our bodies because it is our bodies that tell us when something is out of line. They do this by showing us physical and mental symptoms which we should not ignore- if we do, they will only keep showing up. 

Featured Video:

Meditation Music: Awakening the Chakras - Healing, Balance, Yoga, Positive Energy, Kundalini, Reiki
Awaken your main 7 chakras with this 40 minute meditation music track that is embedded with various binaural beats and isochronic tones that range from 4.9Hz to 15Hz, and carries the binaural frequency of the Sun, 136.1Hz. The dominant binaural beats are all associated with each chakra, such as the root or base chakra, the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow or third eye, and the crown chakra. Each chakra will last for 4 to 5 minutes long, and for each chakra point you will hear bells ringing, which signifies your preparation and focused mindset towards the next chakra. Sit in an upright and comfortable position, preferably with your back straight. Work your way up from the root to the crown, and allow your inner thoughts to simply flow in and out and not distract you from your focused meditation. Focus on your breathing pattern, and recognize when it will be in a slow, relaxed, calm state. Feel balanced and in harmony with yourself and the outer world and feel less stressed and refreshed as you do this daily practice.

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